Chris Strong

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Chris Strong is a company.

Adress: 8 St Marks Industrial Estate, 439 North Woolwich Road, London London in Greater London (United Kingdom) Postal code: E162BS

The user has registered on 2019-02-01 07:44:15

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More information about Chris Strong.

Bringing the Coffee House to the Office
We offer luxury bean to cup coffee systems for the workplace to save the hassle of having to go to the coffee shop to get high quality coffee

Freshly brewed Coffee machines in your office at the click of a button
Freshly brewed Coffee machines in your office at the click of a button
Easy to use, low maintenance fresh brew filter coffee machine; ideal for meeting rooms.

Cans & Snacks Machines
Cans & Snacks Machines
Providing employees with a selection of chilled drinks, snacks and confectionery.


Bean to Cup Machines
Our bean to cup coffee machines produce
café quality coffee in an instant

Full Service Package
Our fully managed service offers rapid
response with any service requirement

Royal Warrant Holder
We are extremely proud to have held a
Royal Warrant of Appointment since 2005

Sector-Wide Services
We work with offices and workplaces
through to top restaurants and cafes

Welcome to Strong Vend.
Strong Vend is an independent company providing refreshment services to commerce and industry across the London region since 1980. Our base in London’s Docklands provides excellent access to customers in Greater London.


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