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MindtechAffiliates is a company.

Adress: Ampthill in Bedfordshire (United Kingdom)

The user has registered on 2019-05-16 13:54:12

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More information about MindtechAffiliates.

Mindtech Affiliates is a performance-driven fastest growing global Ad Network. A group involved in Innovation and focused on programmatic media buying for global market. US, UK and India are the main geography where Mindtech focus much. Mindtech is well known for their best payouts that are never late. Founded at Hyderabad (India) in 2007, Mindtech has grown up as one of the best choice for Advertisers and publishers in past 12 years.
Affiliate can monetize their traffic on best payout. Huge number of email marketers, digital marketers, and bloggers are already making huge payouts daily. Now a day’s traditional advertising are hardly efficient for Advertisers. Mindtech Affiliate has a very proven track record of 12 years in Affiliate traffic Monetization business. We have great opportunities for affiliates to monetize their traffic with great converting, well tested, premium offers. Biweekly Payouts, Weekly payouts, and risk free environment are other advantages.
Vertical:- Nutra, Finance , Apps, EDU, Sweep stakes, Adult, Dating
Model : CPL, CPS ,CPA, CPI
Payment Frequency: NET30(Can be updated to Biweekly and weekly based on quality of traffic )
Payment Method: Wire /Paypal / Skrill
Minimum Payment: 50$

Let’s connect today to monetize your traffic with Mindtech Affiliates.
Signup Link:- https://backoffice.mindtechaffiliates.com/signup

For more queries: [email protected]
For more information visit on https://www.mindtechaffiliates.com/


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